Category: Content

Barry Bowen – Tom Bowen’s Son Endorses Bowen-Online


Barry Bowen is happy and pleased to support Bowen-Online and the teaching of Jonathan Damonte. The two have met and worked together on several occasions to promote the work of Tom Bowen and

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We’re Ready!


A Special Offer For You Open for operations and fully functional. Bowen-Online is ready for more subscribers – the full content of the North American Bowen Therapy training program Modules 1 & 2 are online and ready to view in high

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Bowen FAQ’s

Bowen Therapy Image

Who, What, When, How of Bowen Therapy What is Bowen Therapy? Bowen Therapy is a physical therapy and treatment that involves gentle movements applied to specific areas of the body. The movements always place tension into the structure being worked

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Introduction to Healing with Bowen Therapy


by Jonathan Damonte RSHom (NA), CCH, CBT In this beautiful world we live in, a cow is a cow, by example of a talk given by Prem Rawat. Think about it a moment and understand the point of reference to

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Jonathan Damonte


At the time of the making of the Bowen-Online website Jonathan has been in practice since 1997 and has been teaching Bowen Therapy since 2002. There are many skills he brings to the quality of content available through Bowen-Online. These

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Tom Bowen’s vision was to make available his methodology to everyone and in keeping with this we have with the support of his family bought the training program to the internet. In this era of superior internet connectivity and the

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