Cost Comparison of Bowen Therapy Schools

These schools are all offering similar training in Bowen Therapy. There are pros and cons to each of them and it is worth exploring all your options.

Cost Comparison of Bowen Therapy Training Options

A comparison of the costs for Bowen Therapy training offered in both live format and online format. Though hard to compare the costs are listed in approximation and may vary slightly. The difficult comparison is what is taught at each module as some schools teach differently.



Module 1$299 (Lifetime access to all video classes and access to all reviews)$390 (2 day class)$385 (2 day class)$450 (2 days)£425 / $665 (4 days)
Module 2$390 (2 day class)$385 (2 day class)$297 (1 day)
Module 3$999* - $1399
Modules 1 through 6 (5 days)
CBT (Certified Bowen Therapist)
$390 (2 day class)
CBT (Certified Bowen Therapist)
$385 (2 day class)$850 (3 days)£180 / $280 (2 days)
Module 4$390 (2 day class)$385 (2 day class)£325 / $510 (3 days)
Module 5$390 (2 day class)$385 (2 day class)$850 (3 days)
Module 6 (CBP) $390 (2 day class)$385 (2 day class)£180 / $280 (2 days)
Module 7$540
Modules 7-8 (3 days)
$540 (3 day class)$580 (3 day class)$525 (2 days)£325 / $510 (3 days)
Module 8 (CBT) $385 (2 day class)
Module 9Comparable Modules 9-12 are taught in the above Mods 7-8 (which provides for the CBP - Certified Bowen Practitioner)Mods 9-12 are taught in Mods 7-8 (which provides the CBP - Certified Bowen Practitioner)$385 (2 day class)N/AN/A
Module 10$385 (2 day class)N/AN/A
Module 11$385 (2 day class)N/AN/A
Module 12$385 (2 day class)N/AN/A
Anatomy & Physiology$90$90$500Varies£398 / $622
Association DuesInclusiveInclusive$104 per annum$450 ($350 + $100 per annum)£45 / $70 per annum
Total$1,839* - $2,239
*Student Rate
$2,880$4,915 $3,422 £1,878 / $2,937
Endorsed by
Tom Bowen's Family

The above table shows a comparison for the 5 most popular training options, there are more that should be included in your research.

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