Problems downloading? Try these solutions:

If you are having problems with the download of your purchased manual please try the following to ensure it resolves a potential problem in your settings:

1) Refresh the page
2) Ensure that you’re browser is up to date
3) Switch the browser you’re using
4) If you are using Internet Explorer the following advice might help:

a) If you have any third party internet security software make sure it is configured to allow downloads and try downloading a file.  If you still cannot download we can try running IE without add-ons.  Click on Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and click Internet Explorer no Add-ons.

b) If you are able to download successfully we need to isolate the problem add-on.  Restart IE normally, then click “Tools” on the Menu Bar and select Manage Add-ons.  Disable all of your add-ons and then re-enable them 1 at a time until you locate the add-on causing your problem.

5) Call or write for help from the Contact Us page

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