Cycling in Provence

Hello Dr. Damonte

I just wanted to let you know that I am at a train station in Provence on my way back to Paris. My bike trip was wonderful and I had no back or leg troubles at all. In fact I hardly had any pain on the first day in Paris and then it was totally gone several days later.

Thank you so much for your help.

All the best, GW

The story behind the above testimonial is a testament to the power of the human body to simply get better and it was simply the bowen treatment that made it possible.

GW called one week before the trip to France in a heightened state of panic, pain and uncertainty. He’d been trying to recover from a back and groin strain that had happened weeks earlier and that he’d been trying to fix with the usual methods of treatments. All was not going well and the likelihood of not being able to cycle in Provence was looming.

Two treatments, a transatlantic flight and 2 weeks of touring in Provence later there is no problem. Thanks for the appreciation from the patients perspective as it sometimes seems so ordinary as the therapists.

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