At the time of the making of the Bowen-Online website Jonathan has been in practice since 1997 and has been teaching Bowen Therapy since 2002. There are many skills he brings to the quality of content available through Bowen-Online. These range from his clinical experience, his years of teaching and his articulate presentations on the philosophy of healing that Bowen Therapy encompasses.
In 1998 Jonathan became Canada’s first practicing homeopath to qualify and write the examinations to become a Certified Classical Homeopath through the Council for Homeopathic Certification.
In 2000 Jonathan founded The Be Well Now Centre in downtown Toronto. It was Canada’s first clinic focusing on Bowen Therapy and is still open to this day.
In 2001 he founded Bowen Canada the official registry for Bowen Therapists in Canada and went on to develop the modular learning system of training Bowen Therapists with The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia under the banner of BowTech.
In 2008 he founded Bowen Therapy Clinics, a franchise clinic with a special focus on treating pain and The North American Bowen Teaching College which still teaches around North America live Bowen Therapy classes to those students that want to be Certified practitioners.
In 2011 the seed of an idea to make Bowen Therapy training videos available online began to take shape with the full endorsement of the Bowen family the idea has become a reality and the results will be sure to please everyone.